Our representatives – worldwide
Construction Agents
Country | Address | Contact Person | Phone | E-Mail / Homepage |
Belgien Belgium | Euro-Chemicals The Netherlands BV Postbus 74 NL - 7570 AB Oldenzaal | Mr. Rick Nijhuis | + 31 541 744 030 | r.nijhuis@euro-chemicals.com www.euro-chemicals.com |
Bosnien Herzegowina Bosnia Herzegovina | Cobond d.o.o. Put pored doma 12 XS - 32205 Cacak-Prijevor | Mr. Ivan und Bojan Otasevic | + 381 32 358 515 | office@cobond.rs |
Bulgarien Bulgaria | Petrex Ltd. Hipodruma, Bulair Str., bl.111, Ent.B, fl.7, ap.54, BG - 1612 Sofia | Mr. Simeon Petrov | + 359 888 203 197 | spetrov@petrex.bg www.petrex.bg |
Chile | Ingenieria y Comercial Inge-Wag Ltda. Av. Los Leones 2255 of. 404 RCH - ZIP C.7511069 Providencia Santiago | Mr. Carlos Wagner | + 56 220 49 996 | carloswagner@ingewag.tie.cl |
China | Techno-Chem Ltd. Flat A, 33/F, Block 2, Waterfront South 1 Yue Wok Street, Aberdeen Hong Kong | Mr. Henry Chan | + 852 28 937 197 | henry@techno-chem.com.hk |
Dänemark Denmark | Vendico Chemical AB PO Box19006 SE - 200 73 Malmö | Mr. Anders Hakansson | + 46 40 988 515 | anders.hakansson@vendico.se |
Finnland Finland | Bang & Bonsomer Group Oy PL 93/P.O. Box 93 Itälahdenkatu 18 A FIN - 00211 Helsinki | Mr. Patrik Gallen | + 358 9 6810 8233 | patrik.gallen@bangbonsomer.com www.bangbonsomer.com |
Frankreich France | L.A.C. Lapasse Additives Chemicals. 17, rue Salvador Allende F - 95210 Saint Gratien | Mr. Edric de Lapasse | + 33 139 895 840 | edric.lapasse@lapchem.com |
Griechenland Greece | S.B. Piperas E.E. 7, Leontiou Str. GR - 117 45 Athens | Mr. Basilis Piperas | + 30 210 922 0947 | basilis@piperas.gr |
Großbritannien Great Britain | Lawrence Industries P.O. Box 3000 Tamworth UK - Staffordshire GB-B797XJ | Mr. Klaus Ströhle | + 44 1827 314 151 | klaus@l-i.co.uk www.l-i.co.uk |
Indonesien Indonesia | Centre West Chemicals SDN BHD, No. 9, Jalan TSB 8 Taman Industrie Sungai Buloh 47000 Sungai Buloh MYS - Selangor D.E. | Mr. James Goh (Yin Chang) | + 60 3615 766 88 | goh@centrewest.com.my |
Irland Ireland | Lawrence Industries P.O. Box 3000 Tamworth UK - Staffordshire GB-B797XJ | Mr. Klaus Ströhle | + 44 1827 314 151 | klaus@l-i.co.uk www.l-i.co.uk |
Israel | Alon Lissauer IL - 4520804 Hod Hasharon | Mr. Alon Lissauer | + 972 523522400 | alon.lissauer1@partner.net.il |
Italien Italy | Pagliara Prodotti Chimici Via Don Comotti, 7 I - 24050 Lurano (BG) | Ms. Marisol Guzman | + 39 375 574 28 35 | marisol.guzman@pagliara.it www.pagliara.it |
Kanarische Inseln Canary Islands | YaYa Materiales, S.L.U. Cno. de La Era, 16 E- 38750 El Paso San Miguel de La Palma (TF) Canary Islands (SPANIEN) | Mr. Neil Spindler | + 34 922 485 450 | info@yaya.es www.yaya-canarias.com |
Kasachstan Kazakhstan (flüssige Produkte) | Petrex Ltd. Hipodruma, Bulair Str., bl.111, Ent.B, fl.7, ap.54 BG - 1612 Sofia | Mr. Simeon Petrov | + 359 888 20 3197 | spetrov@petrex.bg www.petrex.bg |
Kasachstan Kazakhstan (Pulver) | OOO Bang & Bonsomer 5-ya Ulitsa Yamskogo Polya, 5, Building 1 RU - 125124 Moscow | Mr. Andrew Syurakshin | + 7 495 2584040 | andrew.syurakshin@bangbonsomer.com www.bangbonsomer.com |
Kroatien Croatia | Ti KEM d.o.o. Poduzentnicka 8 Kerestinec HR -10431 Sveta Nedelja | Mr. Filip Kustec | + 385 1 4822001 | filip.kustec@tikem.hr www.tikem.hr |
Litauen Lithuania | OQEMA Veiveriu g. 139 LT - 46360 Kaunas | Mr. Marius Mickevicius | + 370 620 32438 | marius.mickevicius@oqema.lt www.oqema.lt |
Luxemburg Luxembourg | Euro-Chemicals The Netherlands BV Postbus 74 NL - 7570 AB Oldenzaal | Mr. Rick Nijhuis | + 31 541 744 030 | r.nijhuis@euro-chemicals.com www.euro-chemicals.com |
Macedonien Macedonia | Cobond d.o.o. Put pored doma 12 XS - 32205 Cacak-Prijevor | Mr. Ivan und Bojan Otasevic | + 381 32 358 515 | office@cobond.rs |
Malaysia | Centre West Chemicals SDN BHD, No. 9, Jalan TSB 8 Taman Industrie Sungai Buloh 47000 Sungai Buloh MYS - Selangor D.E. | Mr. James Goh (Yin Chang) | + 60 0 3615 766 88 | goh@centrewest.com.my |
Montenegro | Cobond d.o.o. Put pored doma 12 XS - 32205 Cacak-Prijevor | Mr. Ivan und Bojan Otasevic | + 381 32 358 515 | office@cobond.rs |
Niederlande Netherlands | Euro-Chemicals The Netherlands BV Postbus 74 NL - 7570 AB Oldenzaal | Mr. Rick Nijhuis | + 31 541 744 030 | r.nijhuis@euro-chemicals.com www.euro-chemicals.com |
Norwegen Norway | Permakem AS Brobekkveien 84 NO - 0582 Oslo | Mr. Per Christian Berg | + 47 92852700 | per.christian@permakem.no www.permakem.no |
Österreich Austria | Donauchem GmbH Lisztstraße 4 AT - 1030 Wien | Herr Karl Inmann | + 43 664 887 906 36 | karl.inmann@donauchem.com www.donauchem.pl |
Polen Poland | Donauchem Polska Sp. zo.o. Ul. Topolowa 15 PL - 62-090 Rokietnica | Ms. Monika Cielecka | + 48 609 099 874 | m.cielecka@donauchem.pl www.donauchem.pl |
Portugal | AGAMI Sociedade de Representações, Lda. Rua de Raimundo Durães Magalhães, nº 379 Zona Industrial Maia 1 Sector I, Lote 14 Gemunde P - 4475-189 Maia | Mr. Benjamim Gomes Mr. Pedro Fernandes | 00 351 229 479 521 00 351 229 479 524 | benjamim.gomes@agami.pt pedro.fernandes@agami.pt www.agami.pt |
Rumänien Romania | Petrex Ltd. Hipodruma, Bulair Str., bl.111, Ent.B, fl.7, ap.54 BG - 1612 Sofia | Mr. Simeon Petrov | + 359 888 20 3197 | spetrov@petrex.bg www.petrex.bg |
Russland Russia (flüssige Produkte) | Petrex Ltd. Hipodruma, Bulair Str., bl.111, Ent.B, fl.7, ap.54 BG - 1612 Sofia | Mr. Simeon Petrov | + 359 888 20 3197 | spetrov@petrex.bg www.petrex.bg |
Russland Russia (Pulver) | OOO Bang & Bonsomer 5-ya Ulitsa Yamskogo Polya, 5, Building 1 RU - 125124 Moscow | Mr. Andrew Syurakshin | + 7 495 2584040 | andrew.syurakshin@bangbonsomer.com www.bangbonsomer.com |
Schweden Sweden | Vendico Chemical AB PO Box19006 SE - 200 73 Malmö | Mr. Anders Hakansson | + 46 40 98 85 15 | anders.hakansson@vendico.se |
Schweiz Switzerland | IMPAG AG Räffelstraße 12 CH - 8045 Zürich | Herr Fabian Hayoz | + 41 43 4992572 | fabian.hayoz@impag.ch www.impag.ch |
Serbien Serbia | Cobond d.o.o. Put pored doma 12 XS - 32205 Cacak-Prijevor | Mr. Ivan und Bojan Otasevic | + 381 32 358 515 | office@cobond.rs |
Singapur Singapore | Centre West Chemicals SDN BHD, No. 9, Jalan TSB 8 Taman Industrie Sungai Buloh 47000 Sungai Buloh MYS - Selangor D.E. | Mr. James Goh (Yin Chang) | + 60 3 615 76688 | goh@centrewest.com.my |
Slowenien Slovenia | Ti KEM d.o.o. Poduzentnicka 8 Kerestinec HR -10431 Sveta Nedelja | Mr. Filip Kustec | + 385 1 4822001 | filip.kustec@tikem.hr www.tikem.hr |
Spanien Spain | VIDARA SPAIN, S.A. C/ Venezuela, 103, 4 E - 08019 Barcelona | Ms. Susana Boix | + 34 93 208 70 47 | susana.boix@vidara.com www.vidara.com |
Taiwan | Techno-Chem Ltd. Room 1205 Bonham Commercial Centre; 44-46 Bonham Strand West HK - 852 Sheung Wan | Mr. Henry Chan | + 852 2893 7197 | henry@techno-chem.com.hk |
Thailand | Hansa Specialties Ltd. 89 Cosmo Office Park Building, 6th Floor, Unit K-L, Popular Road Banmai, Pakkret Nonthaburi 11120 Thailand | Ms. Ratcharee Jaruwuthipong | + 66 80 009 2513 + 66 2 009 2500 (3 running numbers) Fax +66 2 009 2503 | ratcharee@hansaspecialties.com www.hansaspecialties.com |
Tschechien Czech Republic | TiKEM Hungary Kft. Vadkortefa U 1/B.2/11 H - 2536 Nyergesujfalu | Ms. Diana Gertner | + 36 33 445 806 | diana.gertner@tikemhungary.hu www.tikemhungary.hu |
Ukraine | SK Chem LLC Rybalska Str. 13, office 4 Kyiv, 01014 | Mr. Konstantin Solovey | + 380 99 267 39 41 | sk_chem@ukr.net |
Ungarn Hungary | TiKEM Hungary Kft. Vadkortefa U 1/B.2/11 H - 2536 Nyergesujfalu | Ms. Petra Rostás | + 36 70 428 0556 | petra@tikemhungary.hu www.tikemhungary.hu |
USA | Tempo Chemicals & Solutions 24881 Alicia Pkwy Suite E - #285 USA - Laguna Hills, CA 92653 HK-8 | Mr. Brandon Bethke Mr. Paul Bethke | + 1 800 951 08 40 | brandon@tempochem.com paul@tempochem.com www.tempochem.com |
Vietnam | Famichem Company Ltd. Co No 7 Nhat Chi Mai Street Ward 13 Tan Binh District VN – 70000 Ho chi Minh City | Ms. Virgina Tu | + 84 8 381 03 889 | virgina.tu@famichem.com |
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